My professional life is currently in transition. This website is what is emerging out of this change as I clarify exactly the contribution I can make in this world – and the work that this entails.
After many years (I hesitate to say decades, though this is more accurate) of following whatever was in front of me, it is the right time (58 years this year) to focus. To do what I am best at, what I am passionate about and what I can make a living at.
In all their various and wonderful and various shapes and forms. I have worked in large multinationals, small niche businesses, as a freelance and as an entrepreneur. I have worked for a university and for NGOs. I have lived through several beautiful personal relationships with 3 lovely daughters to prove it. I’ve lived in 3 countries and have travelled to most continents.
None of this is to boast but rather to show the journey that has led me here. To concentrate on the best of what I have to offer the world.
I apologise if you came here hoping for a vast library of free and inspiring work. Return at some point and I hope that is exactly what you will discover here.
I will be producing regular videos and articles over the next weeks – reclaiming my enjoyment of writing and my new discovery – making videos.
You are most welcome here.
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